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DAY 6 – Winning Team Devotional

Sam Evans

19 July 2024


Joshua 1:5-6 (AMP)
No man will [be able to] stand before you [to oppose you] as long as you live. Just as I was [present] with Moses, so will I be with you; I will not fail you or abandon you. Be strong and confident and courageous, for you will give this people as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers (ancestors) to give them.


Joshua was a powerful man of God who followed God and His direction, and led others into great victories which ultimately resulted in fulfilled promises.

There were many obstacles in the way of Joshua and the children of Israel, the first being a river, then a wall and then other enemies. God continued to encourage Joshua to be strong and courageous. These are two powerful attributes that cause anyone to win against adversity or opposition.

Being strong doesn’t just mean you can lift heavy weights at the gym. Strength is based on your resolute faith in who God says He is. Our strength has to be an internal one that doesn’t waver in believing God at His Word and that He fulfils His promises. It also involves courage.

When Joshua faced the walls around Jericho, he was courageous in his steps of obedience. It seems silly to march around a wall for seven days and on the last day to march around seven times and then shout to see the walls come down. I think it even took courage to stand before the people and say this is what God is telling us to do and we are going to do it. Sometimes, in order to win, God is going to ask you to step out in faith and do something that may seem silly. However, these are the things that will be the pathway to victory- not only victory for you, but others as well.

God will always keep His Word and fulfil His promises, so let’s be strong and courageous and continue to see victory after victory!


Thank you, God, for continued opportunities to be strong and courageous. I know it’s hard sometimes for my finite mind to comprehend that Your plans for my life will always lead to victory, but I ask for Your help today. I want to hear Your voice and have the power to step out in faith as you direct me. Help me to put my trust in You because I want victory for myself and others.

In Jesus’ Name I pray,