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DAY 5 – Jesus Has Given Us The Authority Over The Enemy

Planetshakers Team

3 December 2019


When Jesus came, one of the great things He did for us was to destroy the works of the enemy! We face a real adversary and he wars against us to try and bring us down. I am so glad that Jesus has defeated him and because of that, we can walk in victory over the enemy. Sometimes people can blame everything on the devil and not take responsibility for their own actions or choices, while others can do the polar opposite and not understand that the opposition they are facing comes from the devil. We need to find the middle ground. When we come up against opposition, and when circumstances don’t make sense, we need to take the authority that Jesus has given us to bind the devil and lose him from our lives.

I often think of it like this – Jesus has called me to complete His plan for my life, so the enemy won’t like that because these plans will help establish the kingdom of God. And where the kingdom of God is established, it means the enemy’s kingdom is removed. I shouldn’t be surprised at the opposition, but I must be aware that it’s only a facade because the enemy has been defeated, rendered powerless by what Jesus has done. The enemy may try and use all his tactics of fear and intimidation but we must realize that he is a defeated foe and that we just need to put him back in his place (under our feet) by prayer and faith. We need to instead walk boldly into our destiny knowing that God is for us, so nothing can stand against us.


1 John 3:8 (NLT)
But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil.
Genesis 3:15 (NLT)
And I will cause hostility between you and the woman,
 and between your offspring and her offspring.
He will strike[a] your head,
 and you will strike his heel.”


Thank you, Jesus, that You have overcome the enemy and I now walk in victory. I thank You that fear and intimidation have no place in my life and that You are calling me to walk forward into my destiny with greater confidence and boldness. I take the authority You have given me and I bind all the works of the enemy in my life and in the life of my family and friends. I receive the power of the Holy Spirit in my life and receive the victory You have won for me over the enemy.

I pray all this in Jesus' name.
Amen.Dear Jesus,

I take my eyes off of my current situation and I place all of my focus on You. You have proven to be the One who overcomes all of life’s obstacles and even overrule death. I believe that nothing is impossible for You, so please come and move in my situation and release Your resurrection power into my life and fulfill Your promise to make me more than a conqueror.

I pray all this in Jesus' name.