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DAY 4 – When Fire Meets Fire

Russell Evans

26 June 2021


Matthew 18:19,20 (NKJV)
Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.


We’ve been talking about how important it is to bring your hunger so that God can set your life ablaze for His glory. But as powerful as it is when ONE life is set on fire, God’s design for us is even greater: when one fire meets another, then another, and yet another, they all combine to become an unstoppable wildfire! 

Indeed, there is power in agreement and unity. In Matthew 18, Jesus tells us that if two agree on Earth concerning anything they ask, it will be done for them! 

That is one of the reasons why it is so important that we build Kingdom-centred relationships in our lives. If we surround ourselves with those who do not seek God first or hunger after Him, how will we be able to believe together and come into agreement concerning God’s will? More often than not, a lukewarm attitude tends to gradually suffocate the fire of those who are devoted to God. 

It is no coincidence that on the Day of Pentecost, the 120 disciples in the Upper Room were in “one accord” (Acts 2:1, NKJV). Who are you in “one accord” with and what rooms are you positioning yourselves in? Are those around you encouraging you to draw closer to God or pulling you away? Are you only in agreement with your best friends about material things, or are you like-minded concerning the things of God? 

If you realise today that there are some relationships in your life that are stifling your hunger for God, why not ask God for the strength and wisdom to make whatever changes are necessary. His desire is for you to live in the unstoppable power that comes from joining the fire of your faith with that of other passionate believers so that you can fulfil the great destiny that He has for you. 


Father, I ask that You choose my friends for me. Surround me with those who are on fire for You so that we can advance the Kingdom of God together. Help me be someone who stirs up the hunger and faith of those around me. I thank You that as we pray in agreement, we will see atmospheres change, sickness healed, provision poured out and a great revival in our city! Amen.