The In Between

Russell Evans is the founder and Global Senior Pastor of Planetshakers—an international ministry and thriving church home to 21,000+ passionate, multicultural members who are unified in the pursuit of its overriding mandate of ‘Empowering Generations to Win Generations’.
Planetshakers has a strong presence worldwide and online through the platforms of music, conferences, Planetshakers Bible College, and PlanetshakersTV—all of which have been created to serve this mandate.
Russell Evans carries a distinct ‘apostolic anointing’ coupled with a deep desire to collaborate with like-minded, Holy Spirit-led pastors and leaders to build the Kingdom of God in each one’s unique sphere of influence. He has a strong Christian heritage and a generational mindset that desires to see young leaders from all backgrounds identified, discipled, and empowered to fulfil their God-given destiny. He fundamentally believes in the need for a church to remain contemporary in thinking, style, and music and to fluently speak the ‘language of the day’ in order to engage as many as possible—in particular and unapologetically, young people. This youthful mindset is reflected in every layer of the Planetshakers ministry and has enabled it to continuously draw unprecedented numbers of people to Jesus since its inception.
Russell Evans has a unique and powerful preaching gift that is disarming and relatable. He freely draws from his own life experiences and shares his wisdom with vulnerability and good humour. He moves powerfully in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, attracting the anointing and creating environments of breakthrough. His profound revelation concerning the power of praise to unlock victory, breakthrough and freedom has driven him to facilitate the release of a continuous and fresh 'sound’ of praise and worship throughout the Earth via the Planetshakers Band and Creative Team.
Russell Evans is recognised for his leadership gift, great faith and uncompromising commitment to the inclusion and pursuit of Holy Spirit in every endeavour. He is the author of ‘The Honor Key’ and Executive Producer of a 30-minute Christian television program on Daystar Television Network called ‘Planetshakers TV’.
In addition to overseeing Planetshakers Church locally in Melbourne, Australia, and in a variety of international locations, Russell Evans serves on the board of Oral Robert University and Empowered21. He is the husband of Sam and the father of two children—Jonathan and Aimee. They currently reside in Melbourne, Australia.
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